Page 72: Poem- "Standing Alone" TRANSCRIBED:
Standing Alone
“The baby is standing all lovey”
The children shout in their glee
And father and mother and auntie
Must hurry to come and see.
So baby, the cute little darling,
Is put through the wonderful feat,
And fondled and kissed and commended
For being so smart and so sweet.
With the cunningest of triumph
She stands in the mist of it all,
While the outstretched arms of her mother
Is ready to save a fall
And whenever the little one totters,
Around her that arm is thrown,
Tis very fine fun thinks the baby
This frolic of standing alone!
Ah many a time in the future
She’ll long for the aid of that arm,
When the love and the care of the mother
No longer can shield her from harm
For (?) oft when one need is the sorest
There’s no one to whom we can turn
And standing alone is a lesson
Tis hard for a woman to learn.
And often and over my baby
Before life’s long journey is gone,
You will yearn in the hours of weakness,
For something to lean upon
When the props upon which you depended
Are taken away or oér thrown
You will find it so wearisome baby,
So wearisome standing alone.
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